paper list

  • Summer 2024 Reading Group Papers (Papers ##171-180)


    This is a list of papers for the DistSys reading group summer term. The schedule is also available on our Google Calendar.

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  • Spring 2024 Reading Group Papers (##161-170)


    Below is the reading group schedule for the upcoming winter term. The schedule is also available in our Google Calendar. Are you interested in joining the reading group? It is simple, join our Slack to get all the reading group updates and invites.

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  • Winter 2023-2024 Reading Group Papers


    Below is the reading group schedule for the upcoming winter term. The schedule is also available in our Google Calendar. Are you interested in joining the reading group? It is simple, join our Slack (which currently has ~1,500 members!) to get all the reading group updates and invites.

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  • Winter Term Reading Group Papers: ##121-130


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    Our winter set of papers! The schedule is also in our Google Calendar. C5: Cloned Concurrency Control that Always Keeps Up [VLDB’23] Authors: Jeffrey Helt, Abhinav Sharma, Daniel J. Abadi, Wyatt Lloyd, Jose M. Faleiro What: Enabling a more concurrent execution of copied/replicated operations at the followers. When: December 14th The Case for Distributed Shared-Memory…

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  • Fall Term Reading Group Papers: ##111-120


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    Below is a list of papers for the fall term of the distributed systems reading group. The list is also on the reading group’s Google Calendar. Metastable Failures in the Wild [OSDI’22] Authors: Lexiang Huang, Matthew Magnusson, Abishek Bangalore Muralikrishna, Salman Estyak, Rebecca Isaacs, Abutalib Aghayev, Timothy Zhu, Aleksey Charapko What: An exploration of many…

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  • New Reading List: Papers #101-110


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    Summer term papers are here! The list is bellow. Also, here is a Google Calendar. Graham: Synchronizing Clocks by Leveraging Local Clock Properties – NSDI’22 Authors: Ali Najafi, Michael Wei What: Better clock sync under failures When: May 18th, 2022 Understanding, Detecting and Localizing Partial Failures in Large System Software – NSDI’20 Authors: Chang Lou,…

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  • Reading Group Paper List. Papers ##81-90


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    We are continuing the DistSys reading group into the winter term with 10 exciting papers. This list is largely based on SOSP’21 papers. For our foundational paper, we will look at FLP impossibility. Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process –  Classical/Foundation Paper Authors: Michael J. Fischer, Nancy A. Lynch, Michael S. Paterson November…

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  • Reading Group Paper List. Papers ##71-80


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    We will start the fall semester with a new set of reading group papers. As before, we have ten papers in total. Nine of them are new papers from top venues, and one is a foundational paper on Viestamped Replication. Instead of the original VR paper, we will look at its more modern counterpart/rewrite/update —…

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  • Reading Group Paper List. Papers ##61-70


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    We have gone through our current list of papers, covering 10 interesting projects over the past 10 weeks. Now it is time to move on with a new set of papers that will carry the reading group all the way through the summer term. Conflict-free Replicated Data Types – June 16th Strong and Efficient Consistency…

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