Below is a list of papers for the fall term of the distributed systems reading group. The list is also on the reading group’s Google Calendar.
- Metastable Failures in the Wild [OSDI’22]
- Authors: Lexiang Huang, Matthew Magnusson, Abishek Bangalore Muralikrishna, Salman Estyak, Rebecca Isaacs, Abutalib Aghayev, Timothy Zhu, Aleksey Charapko
- What: An exploration of many significant outages that illustrates a new class of “self-feeding” failures.
- When: August 31th
- Enabling the Next Generation of Multi-Region Applications with CockroachDB [SIGMOD’22]
- Authors: Nathan VanBenschoten, Arul Ajmani, Marcus Gartner, Andrei Matei, Aayush Shah, Irfan Sharif, Alexander Shraer, Adam Storm, Rebecca Taft, Oliver Tan, Andy Woods, Peyton Walters
- What: Global distribution in multi-region SQL database.
- When: September 7th
- DataPrism: Exposing Disconnect between Data and Systems [SIGMOD’22’]
- Authors: Sainyam Galhotra, Anna Fariha, Raoni Lourenço, Juliana Freire, Alexandra Meliou, Divesh Srivastava
- What: “Data debugging” to check whether the data does not fit application assumptions.
- When: September 14th
- Debugging the OmniTable Way [OSDI’22]
- Authors: Andrew Quinn, Jason Flinn, Michael Cafarella, Baris Kasikci
- What: Debugging applications through the queriable history of application states.
- When: September 21st
- Understanding and Detecting Software Upgrade Failures in Distributed Systems [SOSP’21]
- Authors: Yongle Zhang, Junwen Yang, Zhuqi Jin, Utsav Sethi, Kirk Rodrigues, Shan Lu, Ding Yuan
- What: Study of real-world upgrade failures and lessons learned from these failures.
- When: September 28th
- Skeena: Efficient and Consistent Cross-Engine Transactions [SIGMOD’22]
- Authors: Jianqiu Zhang, Kaisong Huang, Tianzheng Wang, King Lv
- What: Transactions across database engines with various isolation levels.
- When: October 5th
- Special Session: YDB Transactions
- When: October 19th
- RRC: Responsive Replicated Containers [ATC’22]
- Authors: Diyu Zhou, Yuval Tamir
- What: Container replication using periodic checkpoints and replay.
- When: October 26th
- TAOBench: An End-to-End Benchmark for Social Network Workloads [VLDB]
- Authors: Audrey Cheng, Xiao Shi, Aaron Kabcenell, Shilpa Lawande, Hamza Qadeer, Jason Chan, Harrison Tin, Ryan Zhao, Peter Bailis, Mahesh Balakrishnan, Nathan Bronson, Natacha Crooks, Ion Stoica
- What: See the paper’s title!
- When: November 2nd 19th
- Cancellation in Systems: An Empirical Study of Task Cancellation Patterns and Failures [OSDI’22]
- Authors: Utsav Sethi, Haochen Pan, Shan Lu, Madanlal Musuvathi, Suman Nath
- What: Study of task cancelation features and bugs across various applications and languages to find common issues with task cancelations.
- When: November 9th
- Amazon DynamoDB: A Scalable, Predictably Performant, and Fully Managed NoSQL Database Service [ATC’22]
- Authors: Mostafa Elhemali, Niall Gallagher, Nicholas Gordon, Joseph Idziorek, Richard Krog, Colin Lazier, Erben Mo, Akhilesh Mritunjai, Somu Perianayagam ,Tim Rath, Swami Sivasubramanian, James Christopher Sorenson III, Sroaj Sosothikul, Doug Terry, Akshat Vig
- What: History and overview of Amazon’s scalable cloud database.
- When: November 16th