One Page Summary: Flease – Lease Coordination without a Lock Server
This paper talks about a decentralized lease management solution. In the past, many lock/lease services have been centralized, placing a single authority to manage all locks in the system. Google’s Chubby, Apache ZooKeeper, etcd, and others rely on a centralized approach and backed by some flavor of a consensus algorithm for fault-tolerance. According to Flease authors,…
Retroscoping Zookeeper Staleness
ZooKeeper is a popular coordination service used as part of many large scale distributed systems. ZooKeeper provides a file-system inspired abstraction to the users on top of its replicated key-value store. Like other Paxos-inspired protocols, ZooKeeper is typically deployed on at least 3 nodes, and can tolerate F node failure for a cluster of size…
Understanding ZooKeeper
ZooKeeper is not new, it has been around for quite some time now, yet I feel like not many people who use it in one way or another do understand what it is. ZooKeeper is used by so many distributed systems at the moment that it became a crucial part of the distributed computing, and…
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