Reading Group. Log-structured Protocols in Delos
For the 87th DistSys paper, we looked at “Log-structured Protocols in Delos” by Mahesh Balakrishnan, Chen Shen, Ahmed Jafri, Suyog Mapara, David Geraghty, Jason Flinn Vidhya Venkat, Ivailo Nedelchev, Santosh Ghosh, Mihir Dharamshi, Jingming Liu, Filip Gruszczynski, Jun Li Rounak Tibrewal, Ali Zaveri, Rajeev Nagar, Ahmed Yossef, Francois Richard, Yee Jiun Song. The paper appeared…
Reading Group. Rabia: Simplifying State-Machine Replication Through Randomization
We covered yet another state machine replication (SMR) paper in our reading group: “Rabia: Simplifying State-Machine Replication Through Randomization” by Haochen Pan, Jesse Tuglu, Neo Zhou, Tianshu Wang, Yicheng Shen, Xiong Zheng, Joseph Tassarotti, Lewis Tseng, Roberto Palmieri. This paper appeared at SOSP’21. A traditional SMR approach, based on Raft or Multi-Paxos protocols, involves a…
Reading Group. Protocol-Aware Recovery for Consensus-Based Storage
Our last reading group meeting was about storage faults in state machine replications. We looked at the “Protocol-Aware Recovery for Consensus-Based Storage” paper from FAST’18. The paper explores an interesting omission in most of the state machine replication (SMR) protocols. These protocols, such as (multi)-Paxos and Raft, are specified with the assumption of having a…
Recent Posts
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- Fall 2024 Reading Group Papers (Papers ##181-190)
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