ML systems
Reading Group. Cerebro: A Layered Data Platform for Scalable Deep Learning
In the 58th reading group session, we covered “Cerebro: A Layered Data Platform for Scalable Deep Learning.” This was a short meeting, as our original presenter, unfortunately, had some other important commitments. There are actually two Cerebro papers, one appeared at CIDR and another one at VLDB’20. The main premise behind the system is that…
Reading Group. Heterogeneity-Aware Cluster Scheduling Policies for Deep Learning Workloads
On Wednesday we were discussing scheduling in large distributed ML/AI systems. Our main paper was the “Heterogeneity-Aware Cluster Scheduling Policies for Deep Learning Workloads.” one from OSDI’20. However, it was a bit outside of our group’s comfort zone (outside of my comfort zone for sure). Luckily we had an extensive presentation with a complete background…
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