Reading Group

  • Reading Group. Aria: A Fast and Practical Deterministic OLTP Database.


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    In our 33rd reading group meeting, we discussed “Aria: A Fast and Practical Deterministic OLTP Database.” by Yi Lu, Xiangyao Yu, Lei Cao, Samuel Madden. We had a very nice presentation by Alex Miller: Quick Summary Aria is a transaction protocol, heavily influenced by Calvin, and it largely adopts Calvin’s transaction model, with one big…

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  • Reading Group. High availability in cheap distributed key value storage


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    Our recent paper was “High availability in cheap distributed key value storage”. And what a paper that was! It was definitely a mind-tingling read the lead to a very interesting and long discussion session with the group. Short Summary The paper addresses the problem of fast recovery from the leader (primary) crashes in key-value stores…

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  • Reading Group. RMWPaxos: Fault-Tolerant In-Place Consensus Sequences


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    Quick Summary In the last reading group discussion, we talked about RMWPaxos. The paper argues that under some circumstances, log-based replication schemes and replicated state machines (RSMs), like Multi-Paxos, are a waste of resources. For example, when the state is small, it may be more efficient to just manage the state directly instead of managing…

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  • Ocean Vista: Gossip-Based Visibility Control for Speedy Geo-Distributed Transactions


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    Ocean Vista On Wednesday we had a presentation and discussion of the Ocean Vista (OV) replication and distributed transaction protocol. OV works in the WANs, where each region has all data-partitions, and transactions can originate in any region. OV separates replication from transaction execution, by making replication conflict-free with a FastPaxos-inspired protocol. For the transaction…

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