Reading Group
Reading Group. Aria: A Fast and Practical Deterministic OLTP Database.
In our 33rd reading group meeting, we discussed “Aria: A Fast and Practical Deterministic OLTP Database.” by Yi Lu, Xiangyao Yu, Lei Cao, Samuel Madden. We had a very nice presentation by Alex Miller: Quick Summary Aria is a transaction protocol, heavily influenced by Calvin, and it largely adopts Calvin’s transaction model, with one big…
Reading Group. High availability in cheap distributed key value storage
Our recent paper was “High availability in cheap distributed key value storage”. And what a paper that was! It was definitely a mind-tingling read the lead to a very interesting and long discussion session with the group. Short Summary The paper addresses the problem of fast recovery from the leader (primary) crashes in key-value stores…
Reading Group. RMWPaxos: Fault-Tolerant In-Place Consensus Sequences
Quick Summary In the last reading group discussion, we talked about RMWPaxos. The paper argues that under some circumstances, log-based replication schemes and replicated state machines (RSMs), like Multi-Paxos, are a waste of resources. For example, when the state is small, it may be more efficient to just manage the state directly instead of managing…
Ocean Vista: Gossip-Based Visibility Control for Speedy Geo-Distributed Transactions
Ocean Vista On Wednesday we had a presentation and discussion of the Ocean Vista (OV) replication and distributed transaction protocol. OV works in the WANs, where each region has all data-partitions, and transactions can originate in any region. OV separates replication from transaction execution, by making replication conflict-free with a FastPaxos-inspired protocol. For the transaction…
Recent Posts
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